CUSTOM PAINTED FLOORS: For the client that desires visual interest, low maintenance and unique style…a painted floor is the perfect option for you. Did you know that most types flooring could be decoratively painted? By taking the worn out or brand new you are transforming the common into something special. Do you suffer from allergies and can’t have carpeting but want color and interest? The multitude of options in custom painted flooring can provide something for everyone. A children’s room, entryway, dining room or kitchen for example can be enhanced and uplifted with anything from a simple border to a beautiful diamond grid. It is so inspiring to design the colors and pattern scale for the element that centers a space. Hand-painted floors can give the illusion of texture, the mood of carpeting and the custom coloring needed to achieve the most sophisticated look. No matter what the design of our custom floor paintings – they are always sealed to withstand high volume traffic just as any other wood floor would be.